
Citra Progress Report 2023 Q2

Doesn’t it feel like it was just yesterday when Citra released its first progress report in years? It certainly was exciting, finally reaching a point of having tangible progress and being able to share it with everyone! As we said in the previous progress report, Citra is alive and well, and as a result, we have even more Citra improvements to talk about. So, dear reader, it’s time for another progress report which is sure to excite you!

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Citra Mega Progress Report 2020 Q2~2023 Q1

Welcome back to another Citra Mega Progress Report! Yes! We aren’t dead! First off, we do apologize for the wait, we are still lacking a full-time writer. In the meantime, Citra community moderator autumnburra and developer FearlessTobi have come together with the assistance of another community moderator, SleepingSnake, to provide you, the Citra community, with this awesome report on all the changes we’ve had in Citra since 2020 Q2! If you have been keeping up to date with messages posted in the #development channel in our Discord server, you may already be aware of some of these.

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Citra Mega Progress Report 2019 Q1~2020 Q2

It has been more than a year since the last progress report, not for lack of progress, but for lack of writers. To fill in the gap, developers jroweboy and FearlessTobi independently wrote drafts for a new progress report, and another developer zhaowenlan1779 merged their works and added more content. Together, we are able to present you with an update on all the changes we’ve had since 2019 Q1. Since it has been such a long time since the last one, you may already be very familiar with several of these features, but there are also a few here that we haven’t announced until now!

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Citra Progress Report - 2018 Q4~2019 Q1

Hey there, Citra fans! These past 6 months have been crazily exciting, and simply wonderful for Citra overall. We’ve made major breakthroughs which were long overdue. New features, bug fixes, performance improvements, improved game compatibility, and much more await you. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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Citra Progress Report - 2018 Q2

Hello everyone to the summer (or winter, for those on the southern half of this Earth) edition of Citra’s progress reports. Although not very many large changes have been made, many fixes have focused on accuracy improvements and implementing some of the sorely needed user experience features. Before we go further into this, our Patreon poll results are out. We asked our patrons, which feature they would like to see us work on next and they delivered.

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Citra Progress Report 2018 Q1

It’s been a while folks - since the last report, we have had many new features come to Citra. Some notable ones include multiplayer improvements, hardware shader improvements (post GLvtx), a logging system rewrite, and the highly coveted camera support. Our continuous integration (CI) systems were optimized as well. Apart from these, we have had many more minor features, improvements, and bug fixes. So, without further ado let’s get right into it:

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Citra Progress Report - 2017 Q4

New year, new changes in Citra. Specifically, lots of technical changes under the hood, from applets to IPC, have made Citra even more accurate and laid a foundation for even more goodies the next year. With many great changes all around, this article is going to be packed to the brim with all the new goodies that have come to Citra during those crimson months. But, enough faffing about! Let’s get right into it:

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Citra Progress Report - 2017 September

Winter arrives once more, and like I mentioned in August’s progress report, I am extremely excited for what’s in store. In fact, many of the really big goodies I’ve decided to seperate to their own articles, which should be coming up in the next few weeks. There’s also been many changes this month that improve the speed of emulation across the board, on top of the usual improvements in accuracy and features.

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Citra Progress Report - 2017 August

2017 has been an amazing year, with more work having been put into the project than ever before, but it’s not over yet! Last we met was June, and just two months later the Citra issue tracker is brimming with lots of changes once more. I am extremely excited for this month (and what’s coming up the next few months) but we’re getting ahead of ourselves! On this progress report, let’s check out the big fish in the July and August pond of patches!

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Citra Progress Report - 2017 June

The summer of 2017 has just rolled in, and although we don’t have a summer of code, the patches continue rolling in regardless. We’ve got a ton of fixes this month in the renderer, so this report is going to be very screenshot heavy. With that out of the way, let’s get right to it. Implemented Procedural Texture (Texture Unit 3) by wwylele There is a rarely used feature in the 3DS’ GPU called procedural textures, “proctex” for short.

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